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Fishing, hunting on the Eastern Munozero.

Munozero - Lake in the Murmansk region in the southwest of the Kola Peninsula in the territory of the Terek region. It refers to the White Sea basin, associated with it through the Moon and Lyamuksa river.


Lakeside flat, in the north and west of the heavily waterlogged. From the east to the lake adjacent pine forest, in the south - a series of hills up to 150 meters high. It has an elongated from north to south to form a thickening in the southern part. The length of the lake - about 6.8 km, width - from 2.5 to 6.5 in the north to the south. Large no islands. In the north-eastern part of the lake in the Pike River flows from north-west flows the river moon, connecting with Munozero Kanozero located 20 kilometers to the west. At the 1.4 kilometers to the north lies a small lake Lyamozero associated with Munozero ducts. On the hills surrounding the lake empties into a multitude of small rocky creeks, the largest of them - the herbalists. Lake Meals mostly snow. Freeze-up in October-November, the break-up in May and early June.

In the south-eastern shore of the lake is an abandoned village east Munozero.


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